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Legacy Blog

Oldies but goodies from the archives of The Improv Conspiracy Theatre
Showing 91 to 100 of 103 results
Friday, March 1, 2013

Five Questions With Tim Quabba

This is a post in our "Five Questions" series of interviews with Improv Conspiracy members.  We aim to publish one per week over the next few months!

What was the first improv show you saw that made you think "wow, I'd like to do that!"?

The very first improvisation I saw was on “Whose Line Is It Anyway” in my early teens. I also loved comedians such as Robin Williams and Jim Carrey, especially for their interviews where they took charge with sharp wit and delightful physical expression. Watching these grown people play was such a joy, but it was the smart play that kept me coming back for more. I was in such awe of the things they created in total spontaneity, it never occurred to me that I could somehow do that sort of thing too. I was just happy to watch and laugh until I cried. It was only when I started to pursue actor training that improvisation came up as a useful tool to create and harness characters. So that was when I started looking for some impro groups.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Five Questions With Scott McAteer

This is a post in our "Five Questions" series of interviews with Improv Conspiracy members.  We aim to publish one per week over the next few months!

What was the first improv show you saw that made you think "wow, I'd like to do that!"?

Back when I was a tiny boy-child, TheatreSports was on ABC TV, hosted by the guy who played the alien in "Watch This Space", it was all pretty dull for a child except for one team of three who came out in cheap black suits and *attitude*, and most importantly, one player had a Elephant-Man-Style Hessian-sack mask over his face *for the entire show*. There was something about a dude playing a waiter while still playing a masked monster that broke my tiny child mind with the incredibleness of it. Plus I can still remember the song "Hobart, City of Sin" that another team did. 

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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Five Questions With Daniel Pavatich

This is a post in our "Five Questions" series of interviews with Improv Conspiracy members.  We aim to publish one per week over the next few months!

What was the first improv show you saw that made you think "Wow, I'd like to do that!"?

Whose Line is it Anyway when I was 16. I then caught some Upright Citizens Brigade clips on YouTube and after watching more of their work, I was convinced that I had to be a part of it.

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Thursday, December 6, 2012

Looking forward to 2013

2012 has been a huge year for the Improv Conspiracy.  We rebranded, changed names, and got a website!  We found enough talented members to field our first two Harold teams!  We started a successful monthly variety night, did trial shows in the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, and had an amazing debut run in the Melbourne Fringe Festival (selling out two-thirds of those shows)!

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

My Introduction to the Harold

Or "I never knew how much I missed you until we met".

Yah, I’ve done a bit of improv.  Short form, specifically Theatresports, and then a bastardized version of it in bars.  Bar Improv, wow!   Wanna test your mettle?  Try doing one-word-at-a-time for drunks.  Still, improv has been good to me.  Pity I got to hate it so.  

It wasn’t always that way.  I was a passionate performer.  My whole week was geared to that 10min chance to play onstage.  It took a while to get good, but when it happened, my addiction was set.  More time passed, and I got to instruct and even direct a company.  Paid to play, man, that was the pinnacle.  I became a disciple.  I got obsessed with the theory.  I wanted to know how this shit works.  Reaction, motive, action, repeat.  I thought I had it down.  So, why was it getting boring?

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Monday, November 5, 2012

There's Something About Harold

I've been in Melbourne 3 months. I still don't have a job, In fact, I'm getting a bit desperate.

I've managed to pick up a bit of temporary work, so that's nice. Parxercise has fallen a bit off the radar, but having some income is a better thing, let's face it. 

What I find next is not a job, but another way of spending my newfound funds - a musical impro workshop from an international guest, Lindsay Hailey. This is what I'm all about, I can't wait.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

How to be a Good Improv Audience

It’s our final week of Fringe so it seems like a good time for a frank discussion about what YOU bring to a performance. Especially as some of you may be joining us for the second or third time- or if you’re hardcore the fourth or fifth!* Read on for tips to take with you to your next improv event.

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012

First Impressions of Harold

We are now about one year later. Another plane trip, but this time it’s for real. No more mucking around. I am going to Melbourne and staying there. I mean, it’s really the economically viable choice - I've been going there at least twice a year for the past three years.

I've left the comfort of a cushy job, loving family and wonderful friends for ....what? The only guarantee is I'm part of the Big Hoo-Haa! Melbourne. So on the first Tuesday of my Melbourne life I go to Hoo-Haa training. The first half of the session is a big deconstruct of last year. So I nod wisely and think of Perth...

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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Opening Night Review Roundup

[Update March 2013: we've had heaps of reviews since this article was written, including those by Inpress and Katherine Phelps.  We also shot a video of audience reactions after one of our recent shows.  Check them out!]

Last night was the opening night of our 1st ever festival season at the Melbourne Fringe Festival, and boy was it fun!  

Don't take my word for it!  Here's a roundup of reviews from local bloggers and guest writers.

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Showing 91 to 100 of 103 results

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Enjoy some good times downstairs at Theory Bar

Fancy a beverage after your next show or class session? Our ground floor bar is open Wednesday–Sunday.

Community members and ticket-holders get 10% off*

(* Sundays and Public Holidays excepted)

Please note: drinks can not be transferred between venues in the building

Theory Bar